Monday, August 31, 2015

John's role as the "bee distractor"

Being the mom of 3 boys is quite an adventure....and they're always providing me with "first" opportunities.  We've been fighting with bees building nests in our back yard this summer.  The boys think its great fun to fight the bees and knock down the nest.  Kenny was the captain bee fighter for the latest battle and recruited John to be his "distraction".  Ten minutes later John came in crying with a bee sting on his forehead.  Kenny promptly moved to "Plan B", which was to have Jacob be the "distraction".  They defeated the bees and asked for payment....50 cents each was much cheaper than calling an exterminator:-)

John recovered quickly so I didn't think much of it.....until 4AM when he awoke crying.  The left side of his face was completely swollen, his eye swollen shut.  So I had my "first" trip to the store in the middle of the night of Benydryl!  I think I need my $1.50 bee-killing payment back!!

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