Saturday, April 27, 2013

Kenny's Creation

 I saw a pinterest idea for them a colander and pipe cleaners to work on fine motor skills.  Jacob & John like the idea for 5 minutes and then Kenny took over and created this robot helmet.  He LOVES it and was wearing it around the house all day and took it to bed with him.  Looks like I'm in the market for a new colander!?:-)


Our last big snow melted and left a few puddles, which is the boys favorite thing in the whole world!  I quickly switched from their shoes to rainboots.  They had FUN!  And I was thankful the puddle had dried up a few hours later:-)

A couple of scaredy cats!

We've been struggling with sleep around here the last couple of weeks.  John's habits reverted back to those of a newborn--no good for any of us!  We finally concluded that he was scared and decided to put him in with Kenny (who also tends to be scared).  The first night was a dream (pictured above).  It was a steady decline over 4 nights, and now John is back in his own room (sleeping with the door open and light on:-). 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Two 2-yr-old Cowboys...and their stats:-)

 Being a 2-yr-old is hard some days....Jacob is lucky a bird didn't land on his lip!

Most days though, these little cowboys are happy and fun!  We had a great 2-yr checkup with the doctor.  Both boys are riding their height/weight curves.  John was 35" (63%) and weighed just over 25 lbs (14%).  Jacob is 36" (84%) and weighs just under 26 lbs (33%).  Dr. Demahy was impressed with their development and personalities:-)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Kenny's Photo Gallery

Kenny was begging to take pictures this morning, so I set him lose with the camera for about 5 minutes.  When I sat down to sort through them, I was amazed at how artistic many of the pictures were!  It was so special to see our home through his vantage point.  Future artist/photographer?

Let us entertain you!

Friday, April 05, 2013

Home sweet home

 After a crazy week in Iowa, we're finally getting back into our normal routine at home.  We're enjoying the warm weather and all the "new" toys....and of course our own beds!  Thanks for having us Grandma & Grandpa:-)

Easter Egg Hunt

 My Aunt Becky hosted Easter dinner.  We braved the blustery Iowa day to have an Easter egg hunt outside--complete with the Easter Bunny (thank you Aunt Kathie:-).

 Grandpa, Uncle Nate, and Cousin Levi supervised--and found some candy of their own!
 This was John & Jacob's 3rd hunt.  They were pros by the end.  The first hunt was a bust--they picked up the first piece of candy and instead of hunting for more were focused on getting the wrapper off:-)

 Kenny was a happy camper with a bucket full of treats!

Family Pictures on Easter

 We had quite the time getting a family picture on Easter morning.  I ended up bribing the boys with jelly beans, which sort of worked!?

 We moved outside, it was a crisp, clear morning on the farm.  Too bad there aren't any baby calves in the background!  They were being born all week:-)

 One nice brother picture....
 Then the action began--JUMP!

Happy Easter!

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