Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CRAZY Kenny!

Kenny has been feeling his oats this week. Is it fall fever? Or can he sense our impending trip to Iowa? He's been playing with his brother's new plush pull toys (we call it taking duck & elephant for a walk:-). He's also been working on his photography skills (do you like his self portrait). And puzzle trains is a new was rock trains just a few short weeks ago! It's hard to keep up with this boy:-)

Wednesday Wonders

I've been feeding Jacob & John simultaneously while they lay on the floor. Jacob took control of his bottle today and did a great job! John still needs his mommy though...thank goodness:-)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jacob & Kenny at Play

Kenny was really enjoying tummy time with Jacob this morning. After a little while, Jacob had enough of his tummy and rolled to his back. Kenny was a tough little coach and kept pushing Jacob back onto his tummy. Mommy finally had to intervene!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jacob's Eating Cereal!

Jacob is eating rice cereal now. It's a messy process with him...he doesn't have the nack that John seems to have. He's a willing participant though--opens his mouth WIDE for bites:-o

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

5 Month Twin Pics

Jacob & John are such a joy! They love playing with each other and watching their big brother play. It's so fun to see the three interact, and makes me anxious for all the fun (fights?) the coming years will bring.

Jacob's 5 Months Old!

Jacob is a happy, HEALTHY 5-month old. It seems like he's gained some major weight since his check up just a few weeks ago. Jacob LOVES to eat. He's also a fan of sucking his fingers, playing with the rattle and blue rubber elephant, and ROLLING! I never know what position I'll find him in after nap. He's also been kicking the buttons on his mobile, which starts the music. He's an expert at rolling from back to tummy, but hasn't figure out tummy to back (which makes him MAD)! We're lucky to have such an easy-going baby--he's a perfect match for John--HA!

John is 5 months old!

The months are flying by! John is 5 months old and a little social butterfly! He loves to be around people--it seems to energize him. He even wants to socialize through the night...although we're working on that (he hasn't become a self-soothing expert like his brother). John loves cooing, squeeling, grabbing his rattle, and playing with the toys on the exersaucer. He's rolled from tummy to back once, but no back to tummy action yet.

New Outfits!

I spent some time going through the babies' clothing. It's amazing how fast they grow, and often have outgrown clothes by the time I get them unpacked. These cute overall outfits are from Uncle Todd & Aunt Deanna. Thanks Todd & Deanna!

Grandma Bolthouse's Visit

We had a wonderful, 2-wk visit from Grandma Bolthouse! She flew back to Michigan yesterday and we were all sad:-( John loved eating rice cereal with her. Kenny loved working in the yard with her. Jacob loved cuddling with her before bed. Thanks for all your love Grandma! We can't wait for you to come back and visit:-)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Great Grandpa Erb's Favorite Tree

We visited Great Grandpa & Grandma Erb in the mountains by Pike's Peak. Grandpa loved this knotted up old tree, and took Kenny out to show him.

Grandma Bolthouse is Here!

We're enjoying have Grandma Bolthouse here for a couple of weeks! The boys are getting spoiled and Darin and I are enjoying having some time to get house projects done. The two weeks is going to be up too fast!!

Kenny & Keegan

Kenny and Keegan have become quite the buddies! We get together for weekly playdates, which both the boys and mommies love:-)

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Watching Mater's Tall Tales

Kenny loves his new move with short little bits about his favorite Cars character Mater. John and Jacob love hanging out with their brother. I love having the opportunity to get all three in a picture (doesn't happen often!).

Kenny's Imaginary Train

Kenny loves playing train.....he loads all the toys, pillows and blankets, and today included his brothers. They seemed to enjoy the entertainment, and I enjoyed the 10 minutes of peace and quiet to eat my lunch uninterrupted:-)

Friday, August 05, 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow...

We've had some incredible rainbows here recently. Tonight's double rainbow was especially bright and beautiful. What a perfect start to the weekend!

It's Official!

Surviving 4-Month Shots:-(

We took Jacob & John in for their 4 month check-up this morning. They continue to do great in the growth department. Jacob was 25.5" long (61st %tile), and weighed 14 lbs 15 oz (39th %tile). John was 25.5" long as well weighing 14 lbs 14 oz (38th %tile). They each got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine and are sleeping it off now. Our new pediatrician doesn't recommend starting solids until 5-6 months old, so we will holding off on rice cereal a while longer.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Brothers at Play

The boys were so cute today. Kenny was building a block tower....John was in the Bumbo seat and couldn't get enough of watching his big brother. Jacob wanted in on the mix--if only to suck on John's toes! We just hung the Johnny Jumper in the doorway. Neither John or Jacob know what to do yet, so they just hang out and take it all in.

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