Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Terrific Tuesday:-)

 It's a gorgeous day here.  We went to the gym, ran errands (seeing working excavators on the way:-), and came home to lunch and backyard play.  John has embraced his hat, but Jacob not so much...one more thing to work on!

Breakfast Conversation

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kenny's "Shoot Guns"

Oh my....Kenny's imagination never ceases to entertain us.  Tonight, his golf clubs were shoot guns.  He had a couple in his "holster" (pajama pants) and was demonstrating where the bullets came out.  All from a playdate with Max who had a nerf gun--Kenny's in love:-)

 It was such a busy weekend around here.  Today has started off as a recovery day....tv is on...cocoa served.  Poor Jacob has a sore bottom so is soaking in the kitchen sink while he eats breakfast.  John is conquering milk in a sippie cup!

B-Day cards from G&G Erb!

Saturday morning seemed the perfect time to open cards from Grandma & Grandpa Erb.  Jacob & John weren't quite as excited about the money as Kenny:-)

Friday, March 23, 2012


Birthday Present Time!

Birthday Cards from Grandma B!

It's been a relaxed morning around here....perfect for opening Grandma Bolthouse's birthday cards to the boys.  Kenny had to get involved at one point too:-)  Thanks Grandma for the cards & the bonds!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Birthday Cake #2

We had a fun second birthday party when Darin got home.  John gobbled his entire cupcake in record time.  Jacob was a little more hesitant.  The boys opened presents:  big rubber ball for the backyard, and a music set.  (Kenny quickly tried to confiscate the music set).  What a memorable 1st birthday:-)

Birthday Party #1

We had 2 birthday parties today!  The first was with our good friends Kristen, Keegan & Ian.  They spoiled Jacob & John with a Little Tikes picnic table--sure to get lots of use over the coming years:-) 

Jacob & John's birthday lunch

We're 1!!

Jacob & John's 1st birthday is off to a fun start.  Kenny and I decorated with streamers, balloons, and a Kenny made card/poster.  They're decked out in their "1" shirts and enjoying their first strawberries. 

Kenny's "Tats"

Great Aunt Elaine sent Kenny an Easter egg filled with Cars tattoos.  He wasn't sure about "stickers" that were supposed to go on him (normally he would get in trouble for putting stickers on anything other than paper:-), but has fully embraced them!  Let's hope this fulfills his lifetime curiosity for tattoos!?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

We're celebrating the first day of spring around here....and it couldn't have come soon enough.  We were a healthy household all winter, and have been taken over by sickness the last month.  Jacob & John had Roseola over the weekend...and now Kenny is down and out with a fever.  We're ready for warm temps and fresh air!

Walking Babies!

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