Monday, October 29, 2007

The Mighty Mississippi

Sunday was a beautiful day! We took a break from the long drive with a stop at the banks of the Mississippi (Sarah had to do everything in her power to prolong the exodus from Iowa:-(

90 and Holding

Wonderful Iowa

Darin and I ventured back to Iowa for a whirlwind fall weekend. It was wonderful to be back and the weekend ended much too soon. We spent Friday lunching with Nathan, visiting Grandma & Grandpa Erb, checking out Andrew's new house and cheering Nathan at the football game. The game was a blow-out with Boone beating Nevada by 50 points. It was a great way to end the regular season and we're all keeping our fingers crossed as Boone marches into post season play.

Andrew and Darin claim their spot at the top of the bleachers and await the start of the game.....

Mom & Dad snuggle to keep warm....

The victorious Toreadors serenade the fans with a v-i-c-t-o-r-y chant.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bookworming Buddies...

Kim, Kate, Amber and I met for our first book club discussion! We all read "The True and Fabulous Adventures of the Hunt Sisters". Sangria in Royal Oak was the perfect spot to nibble on tappas, talk about the book a little, and our lives a lot! It was a wonderful to spend time with my favorite Michigan ladies!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Who's the man of the house?

I couldn't help but capture this Saturday afternoon scene.....Darin (aka Man of the House) sitting on the uncomfortable sofa while Lucy (aka Queen of the House) lounged in Darin's leather recliner. I guess it just goes to show how sweet and giving Darin is at heart:-)

Making Strides...

Amber and I took part in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk on Saturday. The event took place on Belle was a beautiful morning, although very chilly. We walked in Memory of Amber's Mother, Karen Neumeyer and also our co-worker's wife, Marlene Dalton.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Shower Time!

Darin and I have many friends & family taking the plunge and starting families....which means lots of baby showers! Here are a few pictures from my dear friend Kate's shower. Doesn't she look fabulous!

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