Wednesday, February 29, 2012

3 Little Boys....playing on the fireplace

The exersaucers used to be the barrier between the boys and the brick fireplace.  Now that they're gone, it's become a prime play spot!  We've avoided any injuries--I hope that trend continues!

John is 11 months old!

 John is a delightful 11-month-old.  He's so happy and laid back.  John is thrilled with his mobility and is full of silly laughter as he's walking (3-4 steps at a time unassisted!).  The only area that John could stand some improvement is in sleep.  He's an early bird, and wants a bottle the moment his eyes open.  John is clicking his tongue, and doing lots of jabbering (especially during mealtime).  He's a human smoothie maker while eating.  He mashes his food with his gums and spits out anything that isn't a puree (imagine the state of the high chair at the end of every meal!?).  We're so blessed with our sweet little cuddler!

Jacob is 11 months old!

It's impossible to fathom that Jacob is soon to be a 1-yr-old!  The last month has brought many changes--mobility (Jacob is pulling up, cruising, standing, but not quite able to coordinate the feet for solo walking).  The biggest development is in communication.  He loves giving high fives, clapping, blowing kisses, and saying "uh-oh".  His ability to communicate has helped to curb some of his frustrations with life (and made our's much happier:-).  We had to break down and put a baby gate up thanks to Jacob's determination to climb the stairs.  We love our determined, opinionated little man! 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

John's 1st Steps!

Kenny's Great Imagination.....

We've been reading lots of books about tow trucks lately.  Kenny decided to craft his own tow truck out of the baby walker.  Jacob was the initial tow truck driver, but uncooperative, so we switched to John.  What's this kid going to come up with next?

 Darin and Kenny assembled a rocket on Friday night with the goal for launching on Saturday.  I'm surprised Kenny was able to sleep Friday night:-)  The weather was perfect for launch, and we even had a few spectators from passersby.  Kenny got to push the launch button and both Kenny and Darin chased down the fallen rocket.  What a fun project! 

Swinging Babies

It was a GORGEOUS day here yesterday (nevermind the snow on the ground:-).  We ventured out to the park down the street and the babies had their first real swinging experience.  John was a little more hesitant than Jacob, but both really enjoyed it!  Darin & Kenny conquered the big kid swings at the same time.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stomach Flu Thursday:-(

 The last 36 hours have been filled with the stomach flu around here.  No fun for sure!  Darin has escaped the bug so far.  Jacob, John & I are on the rebound.  Poor Kenny seems to be taking the longest to recover.  We've been reading books and watching lots of tv.  I realize just how much energy Kenny has when it's drained for a day (can't say that I'm all too sad about it either!?:-)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Mania:-)

 The latest distraction is to put one baby in the Johnny Jumper and the other in the walker.  Unfortunately, Kenny and usually be found standing on the back of the walker keeping it stationary and infuriating his brothers!?  I know, I's just the beginning:-(

Kenny & the Backson Song

Kenny's favorite thing in the world right now is the Backson from the new Winnie the Pooh movie.  The song is fast and complicated, but he's determined to learn it.  He's making progress, but has a ways to go as you can see:-)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Kitchen Crew

The toys lost their charm early this morning.  So we transitioned to playing in the kitchen.  Let's hope they're as interested in helping in the kitchen when they're tall enough to reach the stove and do some real cooking:-)

Monday, February 13, 2012

A better morning:-)

The morning has been slightly  better than the night.  We'll all be ready for a good afternoon nap!

A picture of our night....

Why can I never figure out teething?  John was up almost every hour in the night.  Lots of coughing, so I was sure it was a cold.  This morning a noticed a new teeth peaking through.  Poor baby!  You should see the bags under his eyes (and mine:-)!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rubba Dub Dub...3 Boys in the Tub

Jacob and John have graduated to bathtime with Kenny.  They all enjoy the playtime, but water ends up in the most unexpected places:-)

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Our Tall & Skinny Babies!

Jacob & John finally had their 9 month appointment yesterday (just over a month late!?).  I was shocked that they were so low on the weight scale.  Jacob weighed 19lb 12 oz (20%) and John weighed 18lb 8 oz (8%).  I guess we can't refer to Jacob as our heavyweight anymore:-)  They're tall too--John took the prize (29 3/4") and Jacob (29 1/2").  John was 75% in height and Jacob 66%.  The doctor was impressed with all of their developmental skills--especially that they're eating so much finger food.  We're thankful for our healthy happy boys!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Superbowl Sunday!

Darin is up in the mountains skiing with friends this weekend, so the boys and I are flying solo for Superbowl.  We've been talking a lot about it....Kenny keeps asking, "What's a Superbowl?".  I tell him it's the championship football game between the two best teams.  Which always leads to the question, "What's a championship?".  John and Jacob could care less.  They just want to be on the move--pulling up on everything.  Jacob has the bruises to prove it:-(  Hate this stage! 

26" of Snow!!!

26" of snow fell here in 36 hours.  Oh my....I don't think I've shoveled so much in my life (5 times....not that I'm counting:-).  We opened the patio door this afternoon and let the babies explore the snow wall.  John didn't hesitate to grab a big handful and then completely freaked out about it.  I guess he's not quite over his hyper-sensitivity!?:-)

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