Monday, April 30, 2012

The birthday boy...and birthday caper:-)

Here's our "new" swingset....this was originally going to be Kenny's birthday gift, but we found a great deal on Craigslist:-)

 Jacob was the birthday gift caper....making a run for it with Kenny's new sand shovel!
Kenny was a little Picasso this evening with his new sidewalk chalk.  I'm finding the downfall of living in a desert climate is that the drawings are around for a LONG time!!

Kenny playing with Birthday Gifts

Kenny's Birthday Week!

It's been a fun start to Kenny's birthday week!  We went out for ice cream tonight...and swung by the mailbox on the way home to find Grandma Bolthouse's gift.  Bedtime came too quickly after opening the box with fun toys:-)  Thanks Grandma!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Hike

Kenny did his second complete hike today at Deer Valley Park.  We distracted him with talking about dinosaurs the whole time....looking for dinosaur tracks, food, signs, etc.  He was totally into it, and Darin and I were totally entertained:-)

Kitchen Sink Bath!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

John Eating Breakfast like a Champ!

I've been obsessed with getting as much food into John as possible to get his weight up and hopefully help him sleep better at night!  My mission backfires most of the time, but he ate a great breakfast this morning.  He's totally into feeding himself too!

Kenny & Jacob Popping Bubble Wrap

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


We have a huge lilac bush in bloom just outside our family room window.  They are gorgeous!  I've been opening the window as soon as the sun is up to let the rich fragrance in the house.  Love spring:-)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sarah's Latest Project

 So I'm in love with the Nate Berkus Show...especially the segments that have to do with repurposing!  Here are the results of my latest project.  I got the china cabinet for free off of Craigslist....painted it and put fabric in the back of the cabinet.  Then recovered the dining chairs in the same fabric.  My favorite part of the dining room now is the wedding picture wall with our parents' & grandparents' wedding photos.  The plaque has the love verses from Corinthians, and the orange bowl is my Great Grandma Erb's.  Now we're ready to entertain:-)

Sunday Entertainment

Kenny dragged this big box out of the basement yesterday.  I was shocked what great entertainment it turned into!!

Kenny's Crack in the Track

Kenny has a favorite train book called "Crack in the Track".  Somehow we started calling this crack in the track too!:-)  Looks like it's time for bigger sized sweat pants....

Friday, April 13, 2012

Monday, April 09, 2012


We had Jacob & John's 12 month doctor's appointment today.  They did great, shots & all:-)  Jacob's stats are 30.5" tall (67%), and 20 lbs 13 oz (17%).  John was 30.5" tall too, but only weighed 19 lbs 9 oz (6%).  The doctor wasn't at all concerned, but I was!  He recommended adding fat to John's diet.  This is so funny since I've spent my life trying to do the opposite for myself:-).  So I'll be strategically adding olive oil, butter and cream cheese to as much as John's food as possible.  What a nice problem to have:-)

Kenny being Crafty (Grandma B's B-Day Card!)

Sunday, April 08, 2012

John as the Easter Bunny!

John wasn't quite sure what to make of the Easter bunny costume.  It seemed to throw off his crying...just funny tumbles and lots of tugging at the head.  He was cute nonetheless and will be truly embarrassed by this in 10 years:-)

Jacob as the Easter Bunny:-)

Jacob (aka Easter Bunny with an attitude!).  He was a good sport for the photo shoot.  And will make great blackmail material later in life!!

Happy Easter from Colorado!  It was a gorgeous day in so many ways.  Wonderful service at church, wonderful weather, wonderful time celebrating with friends & family.  Thanks Grandma Bolthouse for the boys Easter outfits:-)

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Easter Box from G&G Erb!

Easter "Basket" From G&G Erb!

 Nothing says Saturday morning like opening a box with toys and candy!  John managed to get ahold of Kenny's discarded, half-eaten peep.  He's not bouncing off the walls yet:-)

Grandpa Bolthouse would be so proud!:-)

Friday, April 06, 2012

Easter Egg Making

We had an Easter Egg-Making party at the Jasperson's today.  Kenny & Keegan did a great job with the dying (and Kristen was very organized & patient:-).  No party would be complete without cupcakes either!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Easter Box Video

Grandma's Easter Box!

Kenny was so excited to open the box from Grandma Bolthouse!  He thought it was ridiculous to take a picture and delay the process:-) 

John is 12 Months Old!

John is a sweet and sassy 1-yr-old.  It's amazing how one minute he can be snuggling in for some love, and the next disobeying mommy and laughing about it!?  John is fully walking now, and loving it.  He's a big fan of our 2 sand boxes, but not the grass (if we set him in the grass he literally will not move!).  John has mastered climbing steps, but isn't as thrilled with it as Jacob.  John's been giving us fits at night.  He's been up at 5 AM every morning for the last month!  UGH!  Between different illnesses and cutting 2 teeth, we've been very accommodating.  We're currently trying to break him of this...and are officially in a stalemate.  John just might be a closet strong-willed child!?  He brings such a fun dynamic to our trio of boys--we wouldn't trade him for anything!

Jacob is 12 Months Old!

Jacob is a HILARIOUS 1-yr-old!  He wants to be just like his big bro Kenny....tries to put on his own shoes, wants to play with big kid toys, and is thrilled to be in his convertible carseat instead of the infant carrier.  Jacob LOVES eating and can put away tremendous quantities of food.  He doesn't seem to be taking to the sippee cup (it always ends up on the floor), so I'll be washing bottles for the foreseeable future.  Jacob loves blowing kisses, giving big, open mouth kisses, and high fives.  He's an expert at the steps and conquers them at record speed.  We're working on safely going down the stairs now.  This summer is sure to be action-packed with Jacob!

Monday, April 02, 2012

It was a cold, gloomy Monday.  We're so used to entertaining ourselves outside that it took some doing to make it through the day!  Kenny caught a case of the crazies.  Much better than Jacob & John's case of the crankies.  (Both are working on molars and want mommy holding them:-(

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