Sunday, April 22, 2007

An Elegant East Coast Weekend

We spent a wonderful day at the Chatteau Pleasantdale in NJ for Celeste and Jason's wedding (Darin's cousin). Here's the Chatteau's pool--so beautiful, too bad we forgot our swimming suits! I did sit outside in the courtyard and spent a couple of hours studying in the sun.

After an afternoon enjoying the beauty of the grounds, it was time to celebrate Celeste and Jason's marriage. Here are the Gronda representatives at the wedding with Uncle Steve (Sarah & Darin, and Pam & Mark who drove up from Philadelphia). It was an incredible party!!

We drove into NYC on Saturday and spent the day exploring. Uptown and Central Park were first on our list. Then we took the subway down to explore Soho & Grenwich Village. We noticed that Harry Connick Jr. was performing at Radio City Music Hall. We lucked out and were able to get tickets to the show. HC Jr. is an incredible performer! It was definitely the highlight of our time in the city!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Girlfriends & Sushi--Life couldn't be better!

The party planner--Amber--did another fabulous job of rounding everyone up for a girl's night! Here's the last of the crew--full from yummy wine tasting at Red Had winery & even better sushi at Fishbones. Hopefully our next outing won't require winter coats;-)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter!

What a joyous Easter weekend filled fun family time!

Sarah traveled to Iowa to spend the long weekend with her family. Sarah poses (and warms up) in front of the fireplace with aunt Kathie, Mom & Laura. Sarah came to the sad realization that she's finally too old for Easter candy....she had to settle from yummy pie instead:-)

Darin spent the day at Aunt Angie & Uncle Ralph's house. He was swindled in poker by cousin Grant (who probably needed the money for gas since he's now 16 & driving!!)....and Uncle Ralph's ham was delicious!
Aunt Angie, brother Brad, Grandma and Darin aren't too full to smile!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Signs of Spring

I was so excited to come home a few days ago to find these beautiful flowers in the front flower bed. I celebrated by packing away all my sweaters and winter coat. (Needless to say it's snowing as I type this....might need to dig out a sweater to wear to work tomorrow).

Kate's Wedding Day Excitement

The beautiful Head ladies on Kate's wedding day! Meg, Kelly & Mrs. Head were full of words of wisdom and support for Kate (and just a few tears:-)

It's hard to believe over a month has passed since the joyous occasion! I was honored to hang out with the beautiful bride all day and serve as her personal attendant.

"Going to the Chapel and we're....gonna get married!"

Yes! This was the theme song of the day. We especially enjoyed singing it on the trolley ride to the church. Mr. & Mrs. Head, Kate and Bridesmaid K.C. pose. (Little does Kate know this is just the start of the posing:-)

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