Tuesday, June 05, 2018

When the Tooth Fairy FAILS!

School is out.  Summer travel has started, and with it comes an acceleration of losing teeth.  The Bolthouse Boys seem to have a propensity for losing teeth on the road.  We’ve had three lost teeth on camping trips and about five at Grandma’s House.  As if traveling as a family of five isn’t stressful enough, I find myself having to play tooth fairy on the road.

Of all the responsibilities that accompany motherhood, the tooth fairy is one that has eluded me.  The tales I have spun to explain away the Bolthouse Tooth Fairy’s failures would impress even Mark Twain.  It goes something like this....

Bolthouse boy loses tooth.  Tooth is placed under pillow (in tent, or other non-home bed).  Tooth Fairy (aka MOM) forgets to swipe the tooth and plant the money.  Bolthouse Boy awakens, disappointed at presence of tooth and absence of money.  Bolthouse Boy expresses disappointment to Mom.  Bolthouse Mom seamlessly makes up excuse explaining away the Tooth Fairy’s failure, usually something like, “Oh no!  The Tooth Fairy probably went to our house.  She’ll find you tonight!”😬.  Bolthouse Mom then spends the remainder of the day startled by the thought of yet again failing at the role of Tooth Fairy.  

There are variations to the above story.  One time the Grandma Tooth Fairy left money without removing the tooth, expecting the Mommy Tooth Fairy to finish the job.  Of course the M.T.F. completely forgot and a confused Bolthouse Boy wanted to know why he had money and a tooth under his pillow.  This introduced the idea of a tooth fairy for each state, along with statutes for which tooth fairy gets to keep the tooth.  It all seemed like a great cover until the Colorado Tooth Fairy couldn’t find the tooth on the second night, assumed it lost, and planted the money only to have a toothless Bolthouse Boy find the “lost” tooth under his bed the next day.  

Each tooth lost leaves the Bolthouse Tooth Fairy fewer chances to get it right.  But I’m thinking the two-night Tooth Fairy method will just be the norm in our family.  Other Tooth Fairies sprinkle glitter and leave elaborate notes with their money....our Tooth Fairy can be known as directionally challenged.  It seems a logical explanation for a family always on the go!?

Whew—I can finally sleep soundly tonight—right after I replace the latest lost tooth with $2.  Waiting three nights for the tooth fairy would surely drive the toothless Bolthouse Boy into counseling!

And just to be sure Mommy/Colorado Tooth Fairy is on task, Grandma/Iowa Tooth Fairy left a little reminder on the bed😂

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