Monday, August 21, 2017

June 2017: Camping at Canyonlands National Park

What an adventure we had!  1 hour from civilization and camping in triple digit heat.  Our group campsite had huge boulders that formed a cave.  The kids hung out inside where it was 20 degrees cooler than outside!

 We did amazing hikes in the morning and evenings with lots of water....

 Marin was the birthday girl!  We celebrated with a hike and sweet treats at this picturesque spot.
 The kids loved this old cowboy cave with artifacts from the days when cattle roamed these canyons.
 A perfect rest spot--shade, views, and a pesky black crow that wanted to eat our food!?

 The sunset created some beautiful colors!
 The kids atop their boulder cave in the middle of our campsite.
 This was the view of our site from the top.  It would be the perfect spot for April or early May camping!  Just a wee bit hot and buggy in June.
 Katy, Sarah & Jennie--happy hour from the lookout above our campsite.
 Andrew, Darin & Bryan--happy hour take 2
We stopped at roadside arch between Canyonlands and Moab.  Katy had the great idea for this picture--isn't it amazing!?
 John caught a lizard within our first hour of arriving.  It lived in a water bottle for 24 hours before succumbing to captivity (we laid him to rest on our morning hike:-)
 This was the brave crew!  We spent Saturday afternoon sitting in the shade with our feet soaking in 5 gallon buckets of water.
 We stopped at a swimming hole in Moab on the drive back.  Jacob did a lot of considering before he jumped (I was very encouraged by this as a mama:-)

 John didn't blink and did a very theatrical approach to his jump.
 Kenny was beyond brave and made the jump just 2 weeks after hernia surgery (not sure that was the best parenting move!?)
Jacob couldn't get enough after his first jump and made the hike to the top and jumped 3 more times!

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