Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Bolthouse Boys take on A-Basin!

 Kenny is in his second year of skiing and is one big chicken!  We were hoping that being out with his little brothers would make him more confident.  They showed him up today!
 I was hoping wearing a helmet would encourage Kenny too--maybe next time!?:-)
 John was incredible.  It took him about 20 minutes before he wanted to do it all by himself--and could!  He was able to navigate onto and off of the magic carpet and go down the bunny hill all by himself.
 Future Olympic downhill team?

 Jacob did really well too!  He was the fastest of the three--ran into the fence at the end a few times before he figured out how to turn:-)  He also tried jumping off the end of the magic carpet.  This one is going to give us a run for our money on the slopes!

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