Sunday, September 30, 2012

Waaahhh....we're sick!

 It was quite the challenging week around here.  John awoke with a fever on Tuesday.  Kenny came down with the fever Tuesday night, and both were down and out all day on Wednesday.  Of course John is quite the dramatic boy.....he cried the entire two days, unless I was holding him.  Imagine how well that went!?:-)  By Tuesday afternoon, Jacob caught on and started crying to be held too.  Unfortunately, neither J was willing to share me.  I wish I could say it made me feel incredibly loved-HA! 

 Jacob didn't contract whatever the virus was, and did a pretty good job entertaining himself while I was busy withe the other two. 
We lived in front of the tv for two days.  Cuddling on the sofa almost made it seem like a vacation!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

J&J at 18 Months!

Can you believe Jacob & John will be 18 months old in just 2 days?  Where has the time gone??  They're a couple of characters for sure!!  John is still up at 6AM for a sippee cup of milk.  He still loves to cuddle and be the instigator with his brothers.  Jacob is constantly striving to be older than his age.  His newest obsession is the potty.  He gets the kids seat out, puts it on the toilet and then begs to be lifted up onto it.  He's also attempted to "water trees".  Yesterday at the park he walked up to a tree, lifted his shirt and arched his back!  Oh my....these boys keep life interesting to say the least:-)

Saturday, September 08, 2012

St. Mary's Glacier Hike

St. Mary's Glacier was one of the most beautiful hikes we've ever experienced!  It was only 3/4 mile there, but felt longer going uphill and through the rocky remnants of a glacier's path.  The lake was a perfect break and had a plentiful supply of rocks (all 4 boys threw many:-).  We managed to make it all the way to the glacier too.  Kenny was disappointed with the dirty snow!  But we had fun snacking on a rock overlooking the lake.  We'd like to go back yearly and keep track of the glacier's size.

Pajama Races

Jacob & John completely came up with the pajama races on their own.  I started recording about 5 minutes into the event.  They were taking turns saying on your mark, get set, go!  (translated from Dah, Dah, DAH!).  What funny boys:-)

Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Play-Do Muskateers!

All 3 boys were enthralled with play-do for at least 30 minutes this morning!  I had to sit at the table for the first 15 and train Jacob & John not to eat it (such a tricky concept when you're forming it into food shapes!:-).  Kenny made a 4 course breakfast, while John and Jacob enjoyed cutting up the snakes I made.  We also cut out some star shapes and practiced singing twinkle twinkle.  Maybe being stuck inside all winter won't be so bad after all??

Our Preschool Star!

We were so proud of Kenny yesterday!  On the 3rd day of preschool he earned the "Great Work" sticker.  Of course a celebration was needed, so we headed straight to Chick-Fil-A for lunch (hence the chocolate milk mustache:-).  Way to go Kenny!

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