Friday, August 29, 2014

The "Bandaid" Boys

The J's ran out of toy options (HA!) and opted to find entertainment in the office supply drawer.  The rubber bands turned into their band aids--talk about a lot of owies!  They had to remove them before nap:-)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

John's first day of Preschool!

 John was all smiles as we headed out the door....that quickly turned to tears as he refused to buckle his own carseat:-(

 He pulled it together by the time we pulled into the parking lot, and was excited to have his picture taken with the school sign. 
John hung his bag in his cubby, washed his hands, found the apple with his name, and then was stumped with shyness at the question of the day.  He settled on "Scared" for the answer to how he was feeling.  (I was a little scared too:-).  John had a great day, and was most excited about their animal crackers for snack and the playtime on the playground.  Oh yay...and they had music too...a distant third.

Jacob's first day of Preschool

 It was a crazy sleep-in day, with daddy traveling.  We managed to make it out the door with smiles and in time for a few pictures.  Jacob was excited to be sporting a backpack for real this time!
 No first day of school is complete without a Bolthouse Boys picture....
 ....or a picture in front of the school.
Jacob hung his backpack in his cubby, washed his hands, found his name on a paper apple and then answered the question of the day, "Today I Feel....HAPPY"!  Jacob had a great first day with Ms. Tarri and Ms. Julie.  We can't wait for Friday to get here!

Week 2 of School

 Kenny is getting into the groove and loving kindergarten.  Monday was RED day.  He was supposed to wear red (fail), take a red snack (fail), and make this Clifford mask.  Thank goodness we had one win--and a cute one at that:-)
I am starting to feel like supermom and strike into superhero poses at random times.  Jacob took this picture!

Hike at Roxborough State Park

We dragged the boys on a 3 mile loop on a HOT August day, but this spot made all the sweat and whining worth it;-)
Kenny was the first who wanted to take a picture with me.  He called it our "wedding" picture, which made my heart go pitter-patter almost as much as my real wedding day with his daddy.

John just had to throw a superhero pose in for one of the shots!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kenny's 1st Day of Kindergarten

 How is this sweet boy all of the sudden headed off to Kindergarten?  We were just bringing him home from the hospital yesterday!
 Kenny is such an independent boy--he's never felt the need to do what other's are doing.  So I shouldn't have been surprised that he refused to wear the neon green school t-shirt for the first day (why would he want to look like everyone else on his first day in a new school?). 

 Summit View Elementary
 One last hug before the opening ceremony begins. 
Kenny getting ready to march through the human tunnel (made up of faculty and 6th graders).  His teacher (Mr. Madrid) is in the purple shirt.

I didn't shed any tears, but was pretty choked up walking back to the car with one less boy.

Brave Moms Hike!

 I have a weekend getaway on the annual MOPS retreat.  I had the opportunity to hike the Flatirons outside of Boulder. 
 Beautiful views!
And even a bit of technical hiking!  What a fun afternoon with some great mamas!

Saying goodbye to Grandma:-(

 Two weeks passed so quickly!  We kept Grandma busy with a roadtrip to Durango, swimming, science museum, parks, and a fun trip to the North Pole in Colorado Springs. 
 The boys worked hard on superhero pictures for Grandma to deliver to cousin Nolan in California.

 We "helped" Grandma check in at the airport....
....she appreciated having company while she waited in the LONG line.  Thanks for coming to visit us Grandma!  Can't wait for next time!

Hiking Devil's Head Lookout with Grandma Bolthouse

Kenny the techie

Darin's virtual reality lab ordered a pair of Google glasses to play around with.  Here's Kenny giving them a whirl.

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