Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ho ho ho....

My MOPS group does a Photos with Santa fundraiser each year.  We opted for a family picture with St. Nick. The J's didn't cry, but as you can see they're not exactly thrilled with the big man!  Kenny is totally into it this year....and asked Santa for a racetrack.  What fun!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

 Thanksgiving was a wonderful whirlwind around here!  (Pictures to come).  After 1 day of recovery, we've moved on to Christmas!  My 3 little elves are a BIG help--you can't even imagine the fights that have taken place over the baby Jesus from the nativity:-).  Jacob & John were up for a photo session in front of the tree.  Jacob scored Baby Jesus for the shoot and John settled for Mary. 

Baby Jesus is getting lots of love--we're trying to do more kissing than biting!?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Jacob & John's One Foot Game

The only two things that Kenny didn't "pass" at his preschool conferences a month ago were knowing his age and being able to stand on one foot.  He has the age mastered now, but we've been trying to do "one-foot parties" to help him master that.  Unfortunately, John and Jacob are much more into it than Kenny!?:-)

Here bunny bunny!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Post-time-change Monday

 Time change went surprisingly well, but that didn't stop Jacob from eating Cheerios off the floor!  They've also taken to playing superheroes after bath.  All three boys jump off our window seat.  No broken bones yet!?:-)

Thursday, November 01, 2012

We're on a sugar high:-)

 Oh my....what a fun Halloween!  We costumed-up at 4:30 and headed to our friends' house for a pre-party including pizza and scavenger hunt.  Then we headed back to our neighborhood at 7 for trick-or-treating.  Our neighborhood is older and full of empty nesters.  I think they all have more fun handing out candy than the kids collecting it!?:-)  We went to about half of our neighborhood.  By then Kenny's bag was full and he was tired.  He literally said, "I have enough candy now.  Can we go home?"   Jacob and John rode in the wagon eating candy (and probably some wrappers) the whole way.  Now what to do with all this candy??

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