Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baseball at 40 Weeks!

Here's the latest side view in the Bolthouse house! It's hard to believe 40 weeks has passed so quickly.

We celebrated the milestone with a Tigers game. The weather was perfect, seats were great, hotdogs delicious....and the Tigers even came away with a victory over the Yankees! I was hoping all the walking and cheering would induce labor, but no luck yet.....stay tuned!

Monday, April 20, 2009

1st Day at Home

Today is my first day at home. So far it doesn't feel much different than work! I was up at my normal time, and have been working on the computer all morning (getting some online training complete). It is nice to be in loungewear rather than business attire though! Here's the latest sideshot.....isn't the black slimming!?:-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Celebrations

Sunday was a beautiful day to celebrate Easter! The sun was shining and the temps mild. The choir ended the service with "The Hallelujah Chorus" (my favorite) and then we headed to Grosse Ile for a yummy dinner complete with honeybaked ham and deviled eggs--thanks Linda:-) No Gronda get together would be complete without playing Eucher. Here are pictures from the big game with Grandma Gronda and Grace (don't let Grace fool you--she'll be 100 next month, but is a card shark if I've ever seen one:-).

Grandma Gronda has been busy "crafting" for the baby too. Here we are with some jingle blocks she made.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Prego Profile

This is week 36--just 4 more to go until full term. Baby is running out of room and won't let me forget it! (I'm hoping he doesn't pop out of my belly button:-).

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