Jacob and John had a pretty uneventful Halloween. They wore the cute costumes, but just rode along in the stroller while their big brother had all the fun! The stuck it out for about 10 houses, then Darin took them home while Kenny and I continued on. John's monkey costume is so cute--made me wish I had one for Jacob too!
Monday, October 31, 2011
J&J's 1st Halloween
Jacob and John had a pretty uneventful Halloween. They wore the cute costumes, but just rode along in the stroller while their big brother had all the fun! The stuck it out for about 10 houses, then Darin took them home while Kenny and I continued on. John's monkey costume is so cute--made me wish I had one for Jacob too!
Kenny's Halloween Treasure
It was a rough start, but after we FORCED kenny into his costume, and ignored his tears all the way out the door...we were rewarded with his pure joy as the first pieces of candy hit the bottom of his pumpkin bucket:-) He rewarded houses that gave him multiple pieces of candy with big squeals and enthusiastic "Tank You's". He broke out the puppies eyes for houses that just gave him one piece. We probably walked to 20 different houses--amazing how motivating candy can be! It's 8:45 and he's still going strong, though Darin and I are ready for bed:-)
Halloween Morn
It was a rough night last night. John was up multiple times (once for an entire hour) and Kenny was up in the night, and then at 6:12AM. Thankfully he went back to bed and gave me a chance to make pumpkin shaped pancakes! Of course John awoke all charming too. Once again--I'm thanking God for Jacob, our laid back and easy baby:-)
Fall Festival
It was a grouchy fall festival yesterday. All the boys have runny noses:-( And I think John is teething again. We tried to make the most of it...carving pumpkins, raking leaves. I was so excited for leaf pictures with the J's (Kenny sitting in the leaves at 6 months is my favorite picture!). But neither of the J's was in the mood--ESPECIALLY not John. Oh well...maybe next year!?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Family Picture Day!
I was NOT thinking when I scheduled our family pictures....the day after the babies' shots! We managed to get through the session. Kenny awoke with the start of a cold, so he had the fewest smiles:-( Of course...we got home and everyone had a burst of energy & smiles!? A mother just can't win sometimes!!
John's Stats
Jacob's Stats
We finally visited the doctor for the boys' 6 month check-up. Jacob passed with flying colors! He measures 27.5" long (58%tile) and weighs 18 lbs 2.5 oz (39%tile). Jacob impressed the doctor by sitting up and playing with a toy. He was the drama king this visit though--cried through the check-up (do you suppose he remembered the shots from last time?).
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
7 Month Old Twins--HURRAY!
What a blessing it is to have twins--ha ha--I can say that now:-) Jacob and John are such sweet babies, and good buddies! It's amazing to see them interact. The love sitting and playing together (taking each other's toys) and they've started babbling a lot too. It will be interesting to see if a twins language develops?
John is 7 months old!
John's 7 month birthday couldn't come soon enough:-) He's finally starting to sleep a bit better...usually until about 5AM (at least 4 nights a week). And he LOVES eating from the spoon--it's like he's been waiting his whole life for it. If I take a break from feeding him, he'll try to reach down for the spoon to feed himself! John has tackled rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, peas and sweet potatoes. His first bite always evokes a funny face, but then he downs the rest. John is rolling over more frequently, but has not desire to be on his tummy or be mobile! He's great at sitting up and playing--and relies on his two brothers to provide endless entertainment. We love our little John!
Jacob is 7 months old!
Time is flying and Jacob is 7 months old! It seems like much has changed in the last month. Jacob is eating oatmeal cereal every afternoon and a vegetable in the evening (so far peas and sweet potatoes have been checked off the list). Jacob is spending more and more time working his way to his belly and then wiggling to a destination. He's also started this funny head bobbing move (dangerous for nearby noses). He was fighting congestion and a runny nose for the last month, and we're very thankful to have that behind us! We love our happy, little linebacker!
That's right--a post about fall yesterday, and a post about SNOW the next:-) The babies morning nap turned into a great outside playtime for Kenny and I. I pulled Kenny on the sled, we started making a snow fort, and of course threw a few snowballs! We really enjoyed our yard this summer, but we're going to LOVE it this winter! I can see all the snow wars that it will be hosting over the coming years:-)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
ALL the boys are in the "tent"
Let's go fly a kite....
A Fall Walk to Remember.....
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Saturday Morning Pictures
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Blog Archive
- J&J's 1st Halloween
- Kenny's Halloween Treasure
- J&J's 1st Halloween
- Halloween Morn
- Fall Festival
- Family Picture Day!
- John's Stats
- Jacob's Stats
- Kenny loves robots!
- 7 Month Old Twins--HURRAY!
- John is 7 months old!
- Jacob is 7 months old!
- ALL the boys are in the "tent"
- Let's go fly a kite....
- A Fall Walk to Remember.....
- Saturday Morning Pictures
- J&J have earned their 7 month stripes!
- Kenny the Artist
- 3 Cheers for Vegetables:-)
- J&J Shaking it up
- Jacob's Photo Shoot
- Kenny & Keegan Craft Time
- Everything's just ducky!
- Kenny washes dishes!
- Mommy's Ready for Nap!
- Terrific Tuesday!
- A fall day at Pine Valley Ranch